ICmyhotel News - What's happening at the company?
Keep up-to-date with the ICmyhotel network. This page will have the latest updates on what we are doing for you.
CSS 3 is Here - We Hope You Like It
CSS (cascading style sheets) are used for "styling" the presentation of a page. So when you see information in a browser, it is not just plain text, but also has some colour to it. CSS 1 and 2 have been around for some years and we have been using then to make the experience a better one for you on our websites. More recently some browser manufacturers have started to incorporate the most recent version of CSS, that being CSS 3. So, we have used a bit of it for you here. We hope you like it.
If you have any comments we would be happy to hear from you. You can send us a message from our Feedback page. Thanks.
More usability to help with social networking
Social networking on the internet is big. So, to aid our users we have started to incorporate helpful JavaScript functions. These allow people to share information about where they are staying with others on many different social networking sites. See the "bookmark" button at the top left of this page.
Accessibility and Usability are the key
2008 and 2009 have brought incite to ICmyhotel and its network of cultural studies of historic buildings and other popular tourist attractions. In the next few years our plans include making our information accessible, to those with sight problems. Also more usable for everybody. With over 10000 pages online this is a massive task. We have started slowly with our content in 2008. An example can be seen at York Restaurants.
Having seen great results from this small start, we are now proposing making all of our sites content as usable and accessibly as this is, if not more so. The use of CSS to a greater extent and the transition to other W3C standards has improved our users experience. They are reading more pages and staying longer on each page. It is work and if it works better, there seems good reason to continue along these lines.
Since mid 2005 into 2008 and beyond, we have been producing studies of tourist attractions, expanding our online travel guides. The new structure of this information has been set out with the reader in mind. Meaningful headings help people to scan what we produce online. A more concise nature to the information will hopefully mean people get a better experience and are able to find the information they are looking for quicker.
November 2006 with greater tools now available online, we are able to give you detailed printable maps of the location of all of our hotels. When you look for your hotel on our sites you will come to a brochure page. This has all the details including pictures and prices that you should require on it as well as an online booking facility. If you look on the brochure for a link called "Map to Hotelname" this will now give you a road map of where to find the hotels in question. We hope you, our customers will find this of use as it has been produced with you in mind.
September 2006 with such a number of wonderful entries we have decided to set another writing competition in motion. Now when you come back from your holidays you will be able to send us more and save more with your prizes!
July 2006 and the entries are looking good. Thanks to all the have applied so far and there is still plenty of time to get yours in!
June 2006 We ran a competition for travellers. If you could write in English, about your travel experiences, you could have entered.
January 2006 and new services are coming of age. See our services page for more details. Now we can help your business getting the right price on hotel rooms all over western Europe. See our hotel club for more information.
Over the last year April 2004 to April 2005 one of our London sites has increased the number of nights booked through it by 40%. York has produced the best increases in booking with a massive 66% increase. Edinburgh was not far behind with a 60% increase. This increase is due to the hard work we have put into creating the new information that people want to read. The increases in traffic, people who are just looking, are well beyond these figure. Other site details follow as will more news.